Most integrated experts work in one of the following sectors:
- education
- democracy, civil society and public administration
- health and social security
- infrastructure, transport and communications
- agriculture and food security
- environment, climate and energy
- water management, wastewater/waste disposal
- economic development and employment
When deciding whether to recruit an integrated expert, the crucial factor initially is the need for such skills in the country of assignment. Only when the necessary expertise is not available locally and when requested to do so by the employer does CIM/GIZ look for the right person on the German and EU labour market.
Shared development objectives
When placing individuals with a high degree of specialization, CIM/GIZ takes account not only of demand from employers in its partner countries but also the regional and thematic priorities agreed between Germany and those countries. As a result, integrated experts often work in the context of projects implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Government in the respective countries of assignment.